Vermont State Laws

Sales Ban: The sale of mercury thermostats is prohibited.

Disposal Ban: The disposal of mercury thermostats in solid waste is prohibited.

Mandatory Contractor Recycling: HVAC contractors and Demolition Contractors are required to recycle all mercury thermostats removed from service.

Collection Program Requirements

Mandatory Wholesale Distributor Collection: HVAC wholesale distributor are prohibited from selling any thermostat unless their location(s) are acting as a collection point for waste mercury thermostats.

Mandatory Manufacturer Funded Collection and Recycle: Manufacturers that historically branded and sold mercury thermostats in Vermont are required to individually or collectively participate in a collection program.

$5.00 Incentive for Recycling Mercury Thermostats in Vermont

In accordance with Vermont law, TRC provides a financial incentive of $5.00 to contractors, service technicians, or homeowners for turning in a mercury-switch thermostat for recycling to a participating recycling collection point. Bring your mercury-switch thermostat to any HVAC wholesaler or HHW facility to receive a coupon redeemable for $5.00, or to a participating retail location and receive a $5.00 in-store credit.

Coupons will be paid via mailed check upon receipt of the thermostat to TRC’s processing facility. It often takes several months between the time of dropping off the thermostat at the wholesaler and receipt of the thermostat at TRC’s processing facility. Questions regarding payment should be directed to TRC’s office.


  1. Take thermostats to closest mercury thermostat recycling location.
  2. Clearly print return name, address and phone number on coupon form provided by TRC at recycling location. [If payment check is to be made out to another individual, please indicate as such]. Save receipt as proof of shipment.
  3. Place thermostat(s) into a zipper-lock plastic bag (included at location) and insert in TRC bin. Thermostats must be intact, complete with cover with brand name visible. Do not remove and ship mercury ampoules, and do not ship thermostat if mercury ampoules are broken or leaking.
  4. TRC only accepts mercury-containing thermostats. Do not ship any other mercury-containing products, such as thermostats or fluorescent lamps.
  5. Make sure your chosen location returns their bin, or no payments will be administered.
  6. Payment by check will be issued after receipt of thermostat(s) at TRC recycling facility in Minnesota. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing.
  7. Questions and inquiries concerning status of payments may be submitted by phone at 1-888-266-0550.

Check out TRC’s Radio Ad for the State of Vermont

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Recycling Site Near You